Don't Read Much in Your Genre

29th June 2016 | for Creatives | reading, writing, Laurie Halse Anderson, genre  |       

"I don't read much in my genre because I want my work to come out of my heart."

— Laurie Halse Anderson

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"Every great story, regardless of genre, will include a twist.  Why?  Readers want to be both satisfied and surprised.  The more they can decipher exactly where a story is going, the more disappointed they'll be.... Satisfying twists are revelatory in the sense that they add new meaning to all that precedes them."

Writing in a New Genre

"I enjoy the challenge. Writing in a new genre is like dating someone new. It's exciting. It's fun. It's uncomfortable. It forces you to try new things, tests your limits, teaches you how to overcome obstacles, and is an opportunity for growth."

The Genre Will Find You

"Don't write because you think the genre is cool, write because you have a story to tell (and the genre will find you)."

Read Something Else

"The reader is free to stop reading, to close the book, to not buy the book.  That reader's frustrations are entirely valid, and that reader should read something else.  I just put it out there, and it is what it is."

Found YA

"[If I could do it again] I would have found YA sooner."

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