Get to Know Your Characters 2

23rd June 2016 | for Creatives | characters, writing, Kirstin Valdez Quade  |       

"We get to know our characters the way we get to know the other people in our lives: by spending time with them, by seeing how they interact with others and how they function under pressure, by learning how they see themselves and how they want to be seen."

— Kirstin Valdez Quade

Similar for Creatives

Know Your Own Characters

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The Rich Part of Your Writing

"When you're writing, you have to get really close to your subject and see the weird and unexpected 'colors' there.  Even a character who's supposed to be incredibly sexy should have flaws.  Even a tragic scene should have those weird moments of humor or joy.  Those little details are the rich part of your writing, and the only thing language should be doing is translating what you 'see' as cleanly as possible to readers."

Listen to the Demands of the Story

"If elements of my own life sift themselves into the plot, it's because they feel organic to the story I am telling—a story that distinctly belongs to the characters and not to me.  I try to listen to the demands of the story and stay true to them."

Get on the Page

"How could I outline the guy?  I had no idea who he was.  I had to get on the page and kind of feel around and talk to him and see what he could do." (on outlining vs. not and writing his main character)

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