Have the Past Blaze Up

4th July 2016 | for Creatives | creative process, historical, writing, creating in the moment, Egbert Lievensz. Van Der Poel  |       

Have the Past Blaze Up

"To write historical fiction of any kind—short stories or not—you need to be able to close your eyes and have the past blaze up around you."

— Todd James Pierce (art by Egbert Lievensz. Van Der Poel)

Similar for Creatives

as if you are this person

"It's this funny headspace you get in, where you're acting, really.  ....  You literally pretend you are this person, and you go about your life as if you are this person.  And so, when people will ask me, 'Did you like this character?' I don't know.  Because I'm so far inside them, I can't judge them at all.  You're behaving as if you are this person."

Give Your Mind a Chance to Refresh

"Breaks give your mind a chance to refresh.  I write multiple books at once, and I'm always thinking about them, even if I'm not at a computer.  It's a habit I picked up as a litigator: You have 1,000 facts in your head, and the most important thing isn't that you know them all- it's that you crystallize them, so that you can present them clearly.  Epiphanies don't occur like a spark; they're actually ideas that have been floating around in your brain for a while.  By the time I sit down to write, my thoughts are well organized and come out cleanly."

Completely There

"I never really know what something will become when I begin. But once I am inside it, I am completely there."

Bob and Weave

"As a writer, it's like you're a fighter in the ring.  You have to bob and weave and juke and move and change direction and tactics all the time based on what your instincts are telling you about what's happening on the page."

Create Something Brand New

"Know what you're trying to make; know it; practice it.  Just write, and write seriously, and don't worry about genre too much.  Create something brand new."

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