I'm working on my books all the time

11th July 2016 | for Creatives | creative process, novel writing, writing, Anne Rice, the creative life  |       

"I don't think there's any rule.  I don't write sometimes for months.  Of course, I write emails every day, I write in my diary every day.  I may not touch the manuscript at all, or anything pertaining to it. ... Whether [or not] I hit the keyboard, I'm writing in my head.  I'm working on my books all the time.  I write best in short, intense periods.  A period, say, of three or four months—very intense work.  And then I draw back and I read, and I do other things.  Again, I don't think there's any rule to any of this.  It's the greatest profession because you do it all in your own way."

— Anne Rice

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