move into it

24th March 2017 | for Creatives | intuitive writing & pantsing, creative process, writing, reaching your audience, David Gerrold  |       

"So after you build it, you have to move into it.  You have to look around, listen, taste, touch, smell, and feel what you have created—then report back, so the reader can feel it too."

— David Gerrold

Similar for Creatives

let it play out naturally

"Listen to the story being told.  Come up with the idea, but let it play out naturally.  Try not to shape it word for word or be so married to an outline that you deny what could become something amazing."

it is crucial that you write every day

"Once you are engaged in writing a piece of fiction from your unconscious, it is crucial that you write every day, because the nature of this place where you go is such that it's very difficult to find your way in. It's pure torture. But even though it's terrible getting in, once you’re in, if you keep going back every day, though it's still always daunting and difficult and scary, it's not nearly so much so."

be still and listen

"The discipline of the writer is to be still and listen to what his subject has to tell him."

my characters would do my work

I was further learning that my characters would do my work for me, if I let them alone, if I gave them their heads, which is to say, their fantasies, their frights.

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