organize life through story

11th August 2016 | for Creatives | create for YOURSELF, writing, the creative life, design your life, Julia Fierro, writing conferences  |       

"There are many factors that create a writer and the most significant is need.  I often joke, when talking at literary conferences and events, that if we, the writers, could choose to stop, we would.  For most of us, the need to make sense of and organize life through story, particularly its traumatic moments, was born many years before we penned our first title."

— Julia Fierro

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Do what you're best at

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focus more on the work

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The Universe Rewards Courage

"The universe always rewards courage.  The more you move in the direction of what your gifts are, and what your life road is, the more people and events and experiences will conspire to give you what you need.  Write."

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