present it to the world

11th July 2016 | for Creatives | creating isn't easy, artist integrity, writing, value the art, Andrew McCarthy  |       

"It is our job as writers to do the work, have the courage to bring it out and present it to the world, because that's why we are here."

— Andrew McCarthy

Similar for Creatives

give yourself permission

"You have to give yourself permission, say to yourself, 'I'm not foolish for wanting this.'  All writers have to fight the same fight.  I have to write 2,000 words today, no matter what.  That's my discipline, and that's me protecting the work."

Professionals do not work for free

"None of these excuses are valid.  None. Zip.  Zilch. Zero.  They don't pass the plumber test: Would a plumber say this and not be laughed out of the room?  You're a professional.  Professionals do not work for free.  Period."

take yourself seriously

"Write.  And read.  Read and write daily and listen to your gut.  Trust yourself and take yourself seriously.  Close out distractions.  Choose your own influences."

We Have a Responsibility

"We know in our deep and private places that we have a responsibility to take on things that draw our attention and to turn them into these mysterious objects—poems and stories—that illuminate, that offer an objection to the status quo, that warn and empower."

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