removing all the little barriers

18th July 2016 | for Creatives | creating isn't easy, writing, writer's block, protect the art, the creative life, Chris Fox  |       

"The first use for propinquity is removing all the little barriers that will keep you from writing. The more of these exist, the less likely you are to write. Many of them are simple, and some so tiny you may doubt that they'll keep you from writing. But they will."

— Chris Fox

Similar for Creatives

Own your existence

"Claim your life, own your existence. Write in spite of whatever conflict you face."

It's a Jungle Out There

"Protect your voice and your vision.  Protect it—and if going on the Internet and reading Internet reviews is bad for you, don't do it.  It's awfully rough right now.  It's a jungle out there.  Do what gets you to write, and not what blocks you."

give yourself permission

"You have to give yourself permission, say to yourself, 'I'm not foolish for wanting this.'  All writers have to fight the same fight.  I have to write 2,000 words today, no matter what.  That's my discipline, and that's me protecting the work."

No Life Is More Miserable

"When work does not go well, no life is more miserable than that of a writer.  But when it goes go well, when the illumination has focused a work so that it goes limpidly and flows, there is no gladness like it."

Stop Mythologizing the Life of a Writer

"Stop mythologizing the life of a writer.  Don't wait for the muse to whisper in your ear.  Don't cultivate an affected personality.  Put your butt in a chair and write.  A writer is no different than a plumber, a landscaper or a dental hygienist.  We are doing what we are called to do and what we are suited for.  You don't need to escape to a cabin and write in a parchment diary with a special pen. Sit at a Starbucks or at home or in the middle of traffic and just write."

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