artist-audience relationship

"Photos are the perfect moment, captured in time, where you are responding to the photographer, when you are caught loving them. You can't tell me that isn't ALWAYS beautiful, because it is."

— Dawn French

for Creatives  |  photography, art, Dawn French, value the art, art interpretation, artist-audience relationship

"In the emotional reaction to a work of art, you do not fill in from yourself; you leave yourself."

— Robert Olen Butler

for Creatives  |  art, Robert Olen Butler, art interpretation, artist-audience relationship

"It's really up to readers to decide.  We writers fill the pages, sure, but it's other folks who read and evaluate them."

— Junot Díaz

for Creatives  |  writing, writer-reader relationship, feedback/criticism/rejection, Junot Díaz, author readings, art interpretation, artist-audience relationship

"The only side you should fight on is the side of your audience. With weapons forged from the steel of Good Story."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reaching your audience, writer-reader relationship, protect the art, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, artist-audience relationship

"Resist deep longing for approval.  One needs to write not what a public wants but what it needs.  The first kind of work is what your need for approval will generate; the second is what your struggle will bring forth."

— Junot Díaz

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, artist integrity, writing, reaching your audience, writer-reader relationship, feedback/criticism/rejection, value the art, Junot Díaz, artist-audience relationship

"Of course, you can't really change the world with fashion, but you can have a real impact on people's lives, their self image, and their self-expression.  Someone's mood can be improved from a special piece that brings a smile."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  value the art, Samantha Pleet, fashion design, artist-audience relationship

"I've never had much luck trying to please a specific audience.  I write for myself, in the hope that enough people will be interested and amused by the same things that interest and amuse me. ... I work for the audience, but the minute I treat them like my boss, the relationship falls apart."

— Mike Rowe

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, writing, reaching your audience, artist-audience relationship, Mike Rowe

"In Hollywood, more often than not, they're making more kinds of traditional films, stories that are understood by people. And the entire story is understood. And they become worried if even for one small moment something happens that is not understood by everyone. But what's so fantastic is to get down into areas where things are abstract and where things are felt, or understood in an intuitive way that, you can't, you know, put a microphone to somebody at the theatre and say 'Did you understand that?' but they come out with a strange, fantastic feeling and they can carry that, and it opens some little door or something that's magical and that's the power that film has."

— David Lynch

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, reaching your audience, protect the art, filmmaking, storytelling, David Lynch, artist-audience relationship

"I love reading fiction, but I can hardly stand to listen to a fiction writer talk about his or her book—it's like a painter talking about his painting or a composer describing a symphony.  You want to read the novel, you want to see the painting, you want to hear the music—you don't want to hear a lot of talk about it."

— Douglas Preston

for Creatives  |  art, artists, music, writing, painting, artist-audience relationship, Douglas Preston, composing

"Magic is such a raw, emotional experience, and it can be used as a storytelling device.  Sometimes people scream and run away—what a profound effect!  There is no other art form that can do that.  You cannot make somebody gasp, scream, and run away by looking at a painting or watching a dance routine."

— Ben Hart

for Creatives  |  art, reaching your audience, storytelling, painting, Ben Hart, performance art, magic/illusion/mentalism, artist-audience relationship

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