book tour

An Interview with Tres Himself

An Interview with Tres Himself

The main character of The One Apart is interviewed...

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Interviewed by Author Jamie Marchant

Interviewed by Author Jamie Marchant

A bit about me, how I write, speculative fiction misconceptions, ogres, and The One Apart...

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Interviewed by Author Majanka Verstraete

Interviewed by Author Majanka Verstraete

My editing process, my 2017 writing goals, and The One Apart...

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Interviewed by Edgar's Books

Interviewed by Edgar's Books

My writing history, thoughts on book trailers, and what to expect from The One Apart...

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Interviewed by Kit 'N Kabookle

Interviewed by Kit 'N Kabookle

Fun facts, fighting dwarves, and the world of The One Apart...

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Interviewed by Lisa Haselton

Interviewed by Lisa Haselton

What I wanted to be when I grew up, my writing quirk, and The One Apart...

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Interviewed by Editor Charlene

Interviewed by Editor Charlene

My advice to aspiring writings and the choice of genre for The One Apart...

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Interviewed by Silver Dagger Book Tours

Interviewed by Silver Dagger Book Tours

My beginnings, my self in 5 words, the elements of a good story, and The One Apart...

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Interviewed by a Coffee-Addicted Writer

Interviewed by a Coffee-Addicted Writer

Storytelling, reading reviews, and the highlights of writing The One Apart...

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Interviewed by The Book Junkie Reads

Interviewed by The Book Junkie Reads

My writing process, inner demons, and The One Apart...

Thoughts  |  books, interview, book tour

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