Chuck Wendig

"Find where your audience buys their books and sell there."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  books, writing, reaching your audience, bookstores, Chuck Wendig

"The only side you should fight on is the side of your audience. With weapons forged from the steel of Good Story."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reaching your audience, writer-reader relationship, protect the art, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, artist-audience relationship

"Free is not a price. Free is a promotional effort in which you offer a sample taste of your literary heroin in order to secure the addictive loyalty of new readers. Free is temporary. Do not price free in the long-term. If your book is always free, I assume that's its value: worth zero."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, reaching your audience, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"An abandoned story at page one or page 356 has the same value as a story you never wrote in the first place."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creative fear, writing, KEEP CREATING, writer's block, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"People Are Going To Steal Your Book: The current generation is used to open access, not restricted ownership. Someone is going to gank your book. They're gonna gank the unmerciful fuck out of it. And you're either going to be mad about it and flail or you're going to find a way to deal and, in a perfect world, make it work for you."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writer-reader relationship, protect the art, Chuck Wendig, the creative life, value the art, art piracy

"Most readers just plain don't care who publishes someone, whether it's you, a Random Penguin, or some magic coyote hobo."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reaching your audience, writer-reader relationship, publishing, Chuck Wendig

"Your stories are your world; they're what help you do this thing that you love."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, creating isn't easy, writing, KEEP CREATING, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"The thing to remember is all must be subservient to the content. Be generative. Create. All else is slave to that; your writing is not slave to anything."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig

"Sometimes even still you get that look, as if the person listening is thinking, oh, you're one of THOSE. Here's a radical notion, then: get shut of the term 'self-published.' Forget 'indie.' Forget 'DIY.' Just be an author when you're being an author. Just be a publisher when you're being a publisher. (Or, go with a term I quite like, 'author-publisher.') People ask you what you do, you write books. People ask who you're published with, give them the name of your one-man publishing company. Or say, 'I did that shit myself.'"

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, writing, publishing, Chuck Wendig

"Have multiple expressions of your awesomeness available at a variety of value tiers. Have something free. Have something out there for a buck or three. Make sure folks can sample your work and still support you should they choose to do so. Be like the drug dealer: first taste is cheap or free, baby."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, reaching your audience, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"I've blocked a lot of self-published authors for this kind of behavior: you're not a sentient spam-bot. Quit with the auto-DMs. Don't sign people up for your bulk emails. Don't use social media to forcibly invite folks to some dubious online event based around your book. Your marketing efforts should be beautiful music that draws me nearer, not a hammer that clubs me where I stand."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  photography, music, reaching your audience, Chuck Wendig

"Nowadays, it pays to write a lot."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"If the magazine (print or electronic) charges money for folks to read the magazine, then that magazine better be paying you."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig, value the art, magazines

"The happy writer is an open writer: open to experiences, emotions, words, ideas, books, authors, tastes, smells, films, travel."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reading, books, food, film, language, writing, travel, ideas, artists must EXPERIENCE, Chuck Wendig

"You don't get sick days. A day you don't work is a day that accumulates nothing toward your needs. You're the hunter, now. You don't hunt? You don't eat."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"Piracy, good or bad, is not theft. It is perhaps a kind of parasitism? Combat it where you can, find value in it where you can't."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  Chuck Wendig, value the art, art piracy

"Films are relatively short, and are comparable to long short stories or short novellas."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  short stories, writing, filmmaking, Chuck Wendig, film based on short story, screenwriting

"It's time to stop asking for permission. Storytellers have been cast in a submissive role for a long time."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, creative freedom

"Technologies come and go. The story remains constant. More to the point, our need for stories remain constant. Storytellers and writers aren't going anywhere. They may need to bend with the wind. They may need to find new ways to thrive. But they—we—will always have a place. The audience will be there."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, reaching your audience, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, value the art, books vs. ebooks, etc.

"Creativity is what makes this whole human race not just function, but evolve."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creativity, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"Short stories will teach you to write. It's that easy. Short fiction requires a heightened focus on sharp storytelling and crafty writing. A novel lets you get lazy. Short stories demand you to write in tip-top shape. You'll learn to say more with less."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  short stories, novel writing, writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, never stop LEARNING

"Deny anybody who wants you to work for free. If you work for free, that's something you do, not something someone asks of you—doubly true where they're making money and you're not."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, publishing, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"A novel is perhaps better seen as a season of serialized (not episodic) television."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  TV series, novel writing, Chuck Wendig

"It is our job to ruin the perfection of the empty page. It is our job to disrupt the status quo: because that's what storytelling is. Taking a straight line and bending it, breaking it, shaping it into something far stranger and far greater. "

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creative process, writing, artist's voice, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"Your body and brain are the Story-Engine. Keep them primed to write."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, protect the art, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"Writing is winning. Always. It's not the only win condition: but it's always the first step."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig

"An ending says something about the story and the characters. It also says something about you the author."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  characters, artist in the art, writing, Chuck Wendig, story endings

"You can and perhaps should do both.  Novels and short stories combine together."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  short stories, novel writing, writing, Chuck Wendig, creative freedom

"What matters is the sense of reality, not the actual reality. That something feels real rather than how something is real."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig

"Have the courage to go forth and do not what everybody else is doing but what you want to do."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, artist integrity, creative fear, writing, Chuck Wendig

"At the end of the day, that's what keeps them reading: you giving the story (and by proxy, the reader) all you've got to give."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, writing, writer-reader relationship, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"You wanna be a better writer, you'll write outside your own proscribed margins."

— Chuck Wendig (art by M.C. Escher)

for Creatives  |  creative fear, art, artists, writing, Chuck Wendig, M.C. Escher

"Put the "author" in 'authority.'"

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, writing, Chuck Wendig

"The storyteller is a puppetmaster. You're here to pull strings and make people feel something—often intensely, often deeply."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, writer-reader relationship, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"You'll know if the ending works. You'll know because you're happy with it. It's that simple."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, writing, Chuck Wendig, story endings

"Tone is the atmosphere you the author creates and mood is the atmosphere the audience feels."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, reaching your audience, Chuck Wendig

"Diversify.  Do not rely on one revenue stream."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, Chuck Wendig

"Do not be constrained by the formats that exist. Story does not begin and end with a physical book." (artist)

— Chuck Wendig (art by Brian Dettmer)

for Creatives  |  books, art, artists, writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, sculpture, Brian Dettmer, book art, books vs. ebooks, etc.

"Storytelling and writing are two different things."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"Set challenges for yourself, then tackle them. ... Treat it like a game where the rules are ever-changing.

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, creative fear, writing, Chuck Wendig, break the rules

"Why not go big? Fuck the rules. Hell with the genres. Experiment. Play around with storytelling. Do something different instead of traipsing the same paths."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, storytelling, genre, Chuck Wendig, creative freedom

"Character matters more than anything else."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  characters, writing, Chuck Wendig

"Stop talking about writing and write.  Stop reading about writing and write."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reading, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"Every story is, in its tiny way, a horror story. Horror is about fear and tragedy, and whether or not one is capable of overcoming those things... It's an existential thing, a tragic thing, and somewhere in every story this dark heart beats."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  horror, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"Your story is an argument—a thesis positing a thematic notion, an idea, a conceit. The ending is where you (purposefully or inadvertently) prove or disprove that thesis."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, storytelling, artist's message, Chuck Wendig

"A good story should always be raising questions—not asking them directly, but instead forcing the reader to ask them."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reading, writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"You need to open with character awesomeness rather than event and explosions... action only matters when we give a rat's right foot about the characters involved."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  characters, Chuck Wendig

"The writer's goal should be to get published, but the writer's love should be of writing.  Too many writers are in love with the idea of writing-to-be-published and too few are in love with the act of writing."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, writing, publishing, Chuck Wendig

"I think books should be cheaper.  I want books to be accessible.  If books are precious (and as a result, expensive), then publishers win, readers lose, and by proxy, writers lose, too."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reading, books, writing, reaching your audience, publishing, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"Every day is a good day to write. Go and do that which you claim to be. Writers: write."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig

"The truth remains: writers write, but they must be prepared to do so much more."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"The same thing that gets readers through reading your book should be the same thing that gets the author... through writing the damn thing.  The reader must have sustained excitement.  And so too must the writer."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reading, create for YOURSELF, writing, Chuck Wendig

"Cut your heart out of your chest, clutch it in your fist, and slam it down onto the paper.  That is the real meaning of write what you know, which is probably written as, write with total fucking honesty.  Take all that shit that lurks inside you, all your fears and wants and experiences, all your neuroses and psychoses and loves and loathings, all your hopes and dreams and memories, and inject 'em into your work." (artist)

— Chuck Wendig (art by Cheyenne)

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, artist integrity, creative fear, art, artists, write what you know, writing, Chuck Wendig, Cheyenne

"Claim your life, own your existence. Write in spite of whatever conflict you face."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, writing, KEEP CREATING, protect the art, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"Using clichés is basically plagiarism, except instead of stealing from a single writer you're borrowing from the collective consciousness supported by all language."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, language, writing, Chuck Wendig

"Authors have told excellent stories based on subjects they cannot know."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  write what you know, writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"Let the love of your work be your primary reward."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, writing, Chuck Wendig

"Writers must produce.  And produce.  And produce.  ABW: 'Always Be Writing.' ... One book a year?  Psssh.  No.  Focus only on novels?  Not likely.  Writers are no longer as free to work in a single sphere of writerly existence.  Get used to writing short, long, script, game, non-fiction, etc."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  short stories, novel writing, nonfiction, the successful artist, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig, creative freedom

"What will elevate your work and make it your own is to live your life. Learn from your existence and borrow things from your day to day. Have adventures. Take risks. Put yourself into your fiction. Because life offers a kind of writing advice you just can't read about—it's something only you can experience."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, artist's voice, artists must EXPERIENCE, Chuck Wendig, never stop LEARNING, TAKE RISKS

"The term 'writer' is almost a misnomer. A carpenter must have a bevy of skills, and cannot succeed on a single one of them. You don't call a carpenter a 'sawman,' or a 'nailer,' or a 'screwdriver jockey.'  A writer must do more than merely write."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"The creative life is very much one where you need to put on blinders and charge forth regardless of what might be out there. You will always find reasons not to do something. It's much harder—and much more valuable—to find the opposite."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, creative fear, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"Most so-called writers are dilettantes. They talk about writing. They feel what it's like to be a writer. They imagine the writer's struggle. And at the end of the day (or even at its start), they fail to put pen to paper or fingers to keys."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig

"Writing is a primal scream. It's yelling into a hole. It's the crystallization of your thoughts and fears. Writing cages your worry."

— Chuck Wendig (art by Edvard Munch)

for Creatives  |  creative fear, art, artists, writing, Chuck Wendig, Edvard Munch

"Newsflash: nobody has the time to write a novel except established novelists. And even then you'd be surprised how easily life intrudes."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  novel writing, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"You're aiming for satisfaction for the audience, not happiness for the characters. They may coincide. They may not."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  characters, writing, reaching your audience, Chuck Wendig

"To really succeed at self-publishing it seems right now that your best bet is to paint with a shotgun; you're not served by posting one book and walking away but posting a book or project (or product, if you can stand that word) every couple of months."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, writing, publishing, word count, Chuck Wendig

"Writing is merely a conveyance for story—without story, without a message, writing is just a hollow bucket.  You need something to communicate, and story is that thing."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, storytelling, artist's message, Chuck Wendig

"Read and watch stories with a deeply critical eye."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  Chuck Wendig

"Always be telling your story, even when it's not your story."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  KEEP CREATING, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"Life is too short not to take risks and too long to live with an output of weak-kneed, limp-noodled, utterly derivative, safe-as-houses storytelling."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, creative fear, writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, TAKE RISKS

"I like that the writer is a worker.  It means craftsmen, the producers, the truly capable, will survive.  Do work.  Live to fight another day."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig

"Find clarity in what you do.  Remove noise and zero in on pure signal. All that matters is what you do.  Put differently: don't care so much."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creative process, creative fear, writing, protect the art, Chuck Wendig

"On the worst day of writing, the work is instructive.  On the best day, the act is transcendent.  The work is purifying and perfect even when it's not."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  magic/mystery of creating/art, writing, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"Writing advice is valuable. ...You don't have to listen to any or all of it, but you damn sure should be considering it. If you're not thinking and learning about this craft of yours, then quit now."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, writing, Chuck Wendig, never stop LEARNING

"If your response to stress is, 'Well, I'm going to hunker down and put out a little word count,' you've just trained your brain to basically turn straw into gold, or water into wine." (artist)

— Chuck Wendig (art by Beverlie Manson)

for Creatives  |  magic/mystery of creating/art, art, artists, writing, word count, Chuck Wendig, Beverlie Manson

"Writing something means finishing something. End of story. I mean, literally. End of story."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig, story endings

"A story has many threads: character arcs, themes, ideas, plots, and so forth. A good ending ties up most of these. The best ending ties them all up."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig, story endings

"Your primary goal is to write a fucking whopper of a book. The lion's share of your efforts should go into that which makes you a writer: your writing."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  novel writing, writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig

"The only side you should fight on is the side of your audience. With weapons forged from the steel of Good Story."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reaching your audience, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"The audience should never know that—or, rather, should never feel that you're talking to them. They want to feel like they're witnessing something, that they're looking in a forbidden window. The audience doesn't want to feel told. Or lectured to."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reaching your audience, writer-reader relationship, artist's message, Chuck Wendig

"I am the Commander of these words. I am the King of this story. I am the God of this place. I am a writer, and I will finish the shit that I started. Amen." (artist)

— Chuck Wendig (art by Richard Anderson)

for Creatives  |  art, artists, writing, Chuck Wendig, Richard Anderson

"Most authors are [saying something big with their books]. Not all of them. But most. And I'd encourage you to be one of the ones who is."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  novel writing, writing, artist's message, Chuck Wendig

"A chef doesn't just learn five dishes—a great chef learns new techniques and is always looking for a way to refine his form and sharpen the process. Writers must do the same."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig, never stop LEARNING

"It’s just how most writers are, I suspect: we are the accumulation of words, and our life orbits those words (not vice versa)."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig, the creative life

"The author writes to explain his world and the reader reads for the same purpose. We don't want to see our stories reflected back because we're like preening peacocks: we want answers. We want truth that relates to us, that speaks directly to who we are and what we want and all the things that block us from our path."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  reading, writing, Chuck Wendig

"If your story fails to have even the tiniest glimmer of fun in it, I must politely eject. Even the darkest and most nihilistic tales need that little starburst of fun or humor—not only to break up the darkness but also to serve as contrast to the darkness. The darkness is meaningless if we don't have any light for comparison."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, storytelling, Chuck Wendig

"If you do care about having a go at this writing thing as a proper career, do not write for exposure. Exposure cannot be measured, and you might as well write for any number of invisible things: the dreams of sleeping kittens, perhaps, or mystical unicorn turds. You should always be getting something measurable for your writing."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  the successful artist, writing, reaching your audience, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"An author should never be afraid to let an ending offer new questions heaped upon the answers of the old."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, Chuck Wendig, story endings

"An abandoned story at page one or page 356 has the same value as a story you never wrote in the first place."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  writing, KEEP CREATING, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"Write what you want to write.  Write what you need to write.  Write what engages you, what interests you, what gets your blood pumping and your jaw tight.  Because what else are you going to do?  Platy it safe?  Write what everybody else is writing just because everybody else is writing it?  What's the point?  Why bring nothing new to the table?  Why fail to bring yourself and your passions to the page?"

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, artist integrity, writing, Chuck Wendig

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