
"Creativity itself has its own built-in discipline, the kind that, for example in a dream, can rummage through the days of the future to find precisely the data required to make a specific point."

— Jane Roberts

for Creatives  |  creative process, creativity, Jane Roberts

"Trying to be the same as everyone else is a strategy that kind of works in school.  When you get out into the world, it is differences that make you glorious."

— Neil Gaiman

for Creatives  |  Neil Gaiman, artist integrity, creativity

"When the thrill of creation is its own reward, we are more inclined to create something lasting and meaningful."

— Alan Watt

for Creatives  |  creative process, creativity, the creative life, creative freedom, Alan Watt

"It's clear that advice of any type—whether it's for writing great novels, making a terrific spinach soufflé, or pitching a new widget to the sales team—is anything but one-size-fits-all."

— Ryan G. Van Cleave

for Creatives  |  gadgets, novel writing, creativity, writing, never stop LEARNING, Ryan G. Van Cleave, culinary arts

"A book on creativity that insists upon one right way misses the point."

— Alan Watt

for Creatives  |  nonfiction, creativity, Alan Watt

"I've seen teenagers just come alive with energy and joy when given the opportunity to express themselves creatively."

— Tony Bennett

for Creatives  |  creativity, artist's voice, value the art, artists supporting artists, creative freedom, Tony Bennett

"Art does NOT come from the mind.  It does not come from your rational, analytical faculties.  It does not come from ideas.  It does not come from theories.  It does not come from philosophies.  You don't write a book in order to express a theme or make symbols.  That's NOT the process."

— Robert Olen Butler

for Creatives  |  creative process, magic/mystery of creating/art, art, Robert Olen Butler, novel writing, creativity, writing, ideas

"I think everyone should sing and that everyone should write.  Like reading, these should be broadly accepted as social practices and not as fine arts."

— Roy Peter Clark

for Creatives  |  reading, creativity, writing, culture, singing, Roy Peter Clark

"Trying to fit the great thrust of creativity into assembly-line time is in itself bound to lead to conflicts, dissatisfactions, and frustrations."

— Jane Roberts

for Creatives  |  creative process, create for YOURSELF, creating isn't easy, creativity, the creative life, creative freedom, design your life, Jane Roberts

"I'm a strong believer that creativity is the ability to play."

— Ricky Gervais

for Creatives  |  artists, creativity, Ricky Gervais, artists must EXPERIENCE, the creative life

"[You] tried to use an assembly-line kind of time for your creative productivity. This may work when manuscripts are being typed, and so much physical labor is involved, but overall you are using the 'wrong' approach to time, particularly for any creative artist."

— Jane Roberts

for Creatives  |  creative process, artists, creativity, writing, the creative life, creative freedom, design your life, Jane Roberts

"Expression is a necessity of life. ... Each person feels that drive."

— Jane Roberts

for Creatives  |  art, artists, creativity, the creative life, Jane Roberts

"The claim some young writer makes each semester to me [is] that they don't want to read the writing of anyone else because it might damage their own creativity and squelch their voice.  Hard to believe, I realize, but I get myopic Kurt Vonnegut wannabes in my classes all the time. ... Reading helps [writers] find their own voice."

— Ryan G. Van Cleave

for Creatives  |  reading, creativity, writing, artist's voice, Ryan G. Van Cleave

"People don't want to pay for content. They want to consume it for free, or monetise it for themselves. There's never been a greater sense of people feeling entitled to your creative work than there is right now.  And in that entitlement, respect for creative work is vanishing."

— Jonathan Kellerman

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, creativity, writer-reader relationship, the creative life, value the art, Jon Westenberg

Follow Your Curiosity

"Call it whatever you like—spirit, soul, psyche, personality, ego, unified field, inner being.  It is somewhere intangible, not physical, from whence these creations come.  Yet, by being put down on paper—letters into words, words into paragraphs, paragraphs into an essay—they join the physical realm."

— Liz Blood

for Creatives  |  creative process, magic/mystery of creating/art, language, creativity, writing, essay, ideas, Liz Blood

"That's where drawing came in; creativity kept me from seeing the reality of how terrible things were." (artist)

— Jon Contino (artwork by Kevin Serad)

for Creatives  |  art, artists, creativity, value the art, Jon Contino, drawing/illustration, Kevin Serad

"Although technology saves us time, it takes away mental space. Back when we had to do more tasks by hand, these tasks took longer to do, and while we did them, we had more time to think, daydream, or not-think."

— Martin Boroson

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, creative process, gadgets, Martin Boroson, creativity, creating in the moment, the creative life, creative freedom

"If you're an artist and you're satisfied, then you're done being an artist.  There's more out there than you could ever imagine."

— Jon Contino

for Creatives  |  art, artists, creativity, KEEP CREATING, never stop LEARNING, Jon Contino

"The little Brontës, with their kingdom of Gondaland, the infant Alcotts, young Robert Browning, and H.G. Wells all led an intensive dream-life which carried over into their maturity and took another form; and there are hundreds of authors who could tell the same stories of their youth." (artist)

— Dorothea Brande (artwork by Henrique Alvim Corrêa)

for Creatives  |  art, artists, sci-fi, fantasy, creativity, writing, storytelling, H.G. Wells, Dorothea Brande, drawing/illustration, Robert Browning, Louisa May Alcott, Brontë

"There's nothing for it but to use one's abilities full blast in every area—and that that resolve and action will conquer all and set [one] free—physically, creatively, and mentally."

— Jane Roberts

for Creatives  |  creativity, writing, KEEP CREATING, the creative life, creative freedom, Jane Roberts

"A few words an hour, a few etched paragraphs per day and—voilà!  We are the Creator!  Or better still, Joyce, Kafka, Sartre!  Nothing could be further from true creativity.  Nothing could be more destructive."

— Ray Bradbury

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, creativity, writing, KEEP CREATING, word count, Ray Bradbury, Franz Kafka, value the art, Jean-Paul Sartre, James Joyce

"Convincing science, technology, engineering kids that art is important is a battle that I like to fight."

— Junot Díaz

for Creatives  |  art, creativity, value the art, Junot Díaz

"There is a lot of talk in creative fields about separating those who are creative and make things from all the other people, but that's fucking bullshit.  I don't think you can be a good designer if you don't have a business sense; I don't think you can be a good director if you don't have a sense of production.  I think it's all a part of the job and, frankly, we all have the capacity for creative output."

— Keith Ehrlich

for Creatives  |  art, artists, creativity, the successful artist, filmmaking, the creative life, design, Keith Ehrlich

"Expression, rather than repression, is vital."

— Jane Roberts

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, art, creativity, protect the art, the creative life, value the art, creative freedom, Jane Roberts

"DON'T THINK.  Which results in more relaxation and more unthinkingness and greater creativity."

— Ray Bradbury

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, creativity, writing, creating in the moment, Ray Bradbury, the creative life

"Making music and being an artist in any way, really, stems from an essentially self-centered place.  Some people will say that they make music or art to give something to the world, to share it with people, because they think people need to hear it.  I think most of that is bullshit.  You create things because they come from a place that is purely you.  It is very self-centered, which is not a bad thing—it is just the nature of creativity." 

— Tei Shi

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, artist integrity, art, artists, creativity, music, reaching your audience, artist's voice, Tei Shi

"What we all have in us ... t it has always been there, and so few of us bother to notice.  When people ask me where I get my ideas, I laugh.  How strange—we're so busy looking out, to find ways and means, we forget to look in.  The Muse, to belabor the point then, is there, a fantastic storehouse, our complete being.  All that is most original lies waiting for us to summon it forth."

— Ray Bradbury

for Creatives  |  creativity, inspiration/the muse, ideas, Ray Bradbury

"Sometimes the contrast helps: when you come home from your day job, you have so much to pour into your passion because you've been holding in your creativity all day."

— Steven A. Clark

for Creatives  |  creativity, the creative life, Steven A. Clark, your passion vs. the day job

"With creative people ... there are always intrusions, hints or clues from ways of thinking that certainly appear foreign, and creative people use those hints and clues to construct an art, a musical composition or whatever. They sense a surge of power beneath."

— Jane Roberts

for Creatives  |  creative process, magic/mystery of creating/art, art, creativity, music, inspiration/the muse, Jane Roberts

"Time-based work doesn't make as much sense as it once did, as ideas are not 'things' and can't be measured in units. An idea, conceived in just a moment, can have enormous implications. Thus an 'idea person' has a more flexible approach to time. She learns how to develop the special, and often quite eccentric, circumstances that encourage creativity, and to trust inspiration when it appears—no matter what the time. "

— Martin Boroson

for Creatives  |  creative process, magic/mystery of creating/art, artists, Martin Boroson, creativity, creating in the moment, inspiration/the muse, protect the art, creative block, ideas, the creative life, value the art

"Creativity is what makes this whole human race not just function, but evolve."

— Chuck Wendig

for Creatives  |  creativity, Chuck Wendig, value the art

"The verbal diarrhoea you might encounter somewhere like California is the enemy of creativity.  It's what isn't said that is the lifeblood of any writing."

— Steve Coogan

for Creatives  |  creativity, writing, Steve Coogan

"Artists are intensely aware of the chaos implied by the moment-to-moment sensual experience of human beings on this planet. But they also, paradoxically, have an intuition that behind the chaos there is meaning; behind the flux of moment-to-moment experience there is a deep and abiding order. "

— Robert Olen Butler

for Creatives  |  artists, Robert Olen Butler, creativity, the creative life

"The artist shares her intuition of the world's order with the philosophers, the theologians, the scientists, the psychoanalysts—there are lots of people who believe there is order in the universe."

— Robert Olen Butler

for Creatives  |  artists, Robert Olen Butler, creativity, philosophy, spirituality

"Creativity is not an occupation; it is our birthright.  It is a way for us to make meaning of our lives, to reframe our relationship to the world, to communicate the deepest aspects of ourselves."

— Alan Watt

for Creatives  |  creativity, Alan Watt

The Crossroads of Should and Must

Find and Follow Your Passion... (written & illustrated by Elle Luna)

for Creatives  |  books, art, nonfiction, creativity, the creative life, Elle Luna, priorities, design your life

Follow Your Curiosity

"Creativity is part of human nature. It can only be untaught."

— Ai Weiwei

for Creatives  |  creativity, creative block, Ai Weiwei

"The best thing we can do is give ourselves the gift of being free from the fear of failure.  Negative thinking can lead to anxiety and depression, and these are certain creativity killers."

— Al Jenkins

for Creatives  |  creative fear, creativity, creative block, creative freedom, Al Jenkins

"Creativity begets creativity.  I always feel more creative after I've helped children explore their own artistic talents."

— Maiya Becker

for Creatives  |  artists, creativity, artists supporting artists, Maiya Becker

"Adults who take the time to play are more creative than those who don't." (artist)

— Leigh Anne Jasheway (photo by Yuriy Balan)

for Creatives  |  photography, artists, creativity, artists must EXPERIENCE, Yuriy Balan, Leigh Anne Jasheway

"Self-consciousness is the enemy of all art, be it acting, writing, painting or living itself, which is the greatest art of all ... creativity, at heart, is the essence of man's being."

— Ray Bradbury

for Creatives  |  creative fear, art, creativity, writing, Ray Bradbury, the creative life, painting, acting

"One of the essentials is to create a vacuum in my life which can only be satisfactorily filled by some form of creative work—whether it be writing, painting, sculpting, composing or just building a boat."

— Ian Fleming

for Creatives  |  art, creativity, writing, Ian Fleming, the creative life, sculpture, value the art, painting

"Through writing, through that process, they realize that they become more intelligent, and more honest and more imaginative than they can be in any other part of their life." (artist)

— Russell Banks (art by Alexander Jansson)

for Creatives  |  art, artists, creativity, writing, the creative life, creative freedom, Russell Banks, Alexander Jansson

"[Different creative mediums] are just both part of me and so they can't help but feed each other.  Anything that you work on, if you're being honest, shows your personality in it."

— Brad Meltzer

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, artists, artist in the art, creativity, writing, the creative life, creative freedom

"To allow yourself that space is, I think, the nub of creativity.  It's also scary and risky, because you're building a house with no real blueprint, driving without a map, never quite sure where the hell you're going."

— Peter Godwin

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, creative process, creative fear, creativity, writing, creating in the moment, Peter Godwin, TAKE RISKS

"Creativity is how I process the world, but curiosity is the spark that sets it in motion."

— Tara Austen Weaver

for Creatives  |  creativity, inspiration/the muse, the creative life, Tara Austen Weaver

"Just unclench, live your life and spend less time berating yourself.  Anxiety and stress are the enemies of creativity."

— Ransom Riggs

for Creatives  |  creative fear, creativity, Ransom Riggs, artists must EXPERIENCE, the creative life

"Curiosity creates a sort of brain vortex that sucks in whatever you feel most motivated to learn, along with ideas that may be floating around your environment.  The spark of curiosity lights up the hippocampus (where the creation of memories occurs), and the reward and pleasure brain circuits, which release dopamine.  So if you want an alert brain, start your day by immersing yourself in something you find fascinating and mysterious.  Pique your curiosity, enjoy the natural high and learn something new."

— Susan Reynolds

for Creatives  |  creative process, creativity, inspiration/the muse, ideas, Susan Reynolds, the creative life, never stop LEARNING

Die Empty

Die Empty

Unleash Your Best Work Every Day (written by Todd Henry)

Highly Recommended!  |  books, nonfiction, creativity, Todd Henry

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