
Planet Earth II

Planet Earth II

(presented by David Attenborough)

Highly Recommended!  |  nature, TV series, British, documentary, flora & fauna, David Attenborough

Follow Your Curiosity

"Whether it's through an Instagram post or documentary film, the heart of the mission is constant: our job is to tell a story.  I'm eager to see what other avenues open up to tell those stories."

— Eric Ryan Anderson

for Creatives  |  photography, reaching your audience, documentary, filmmaking, storytelling, Eric Ryan Anderson

Harlan Ellison - "Pay the Writer"

(from film documentary Dreams with Sharp Teeth)

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, videos, film, writing, documentary, protect the art, value the art, Harlan Ellison

Follow Your Curiosity

"People say, 'I just want to see the facts.'  And I say, 'well, I'll send an email.'  If you're going to tell a story in visual terms, it should be exciting.  And I don't think anybody should have to apologize for that."

— Alex Gibney

for Creatives  |  documentary, Alex Gibney, filmmaking, storytelling

An Idiot Abroad

An Idiot Abroad

(starring Karl Pilkington, Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant)

Highly Recommended!  |  TV series, British, comedy, Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, documentary, travel, Karl Pilkington

Follow Your Curiosity

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