Ed Catmull

"Think of how a movie starts out.  It's a baby.  It's like the fetus of a movie star; we all start out ugly.  Every one of Pixar's stories starts out that way.  A new thing is hard to define; it's not attractive, and it requires protection. ... Every new idea in any field needs protection.  Pixar is set up to protect our director's ugly baby.  Of course you can't protect the baby forever.  At some point, it has to grow up and change into something, because the beast is still there.  That's a positive thing.  Because sometimes the ugly baby would rather play in the sandbox forever.  It's a lot like raising a kid.  It's complex and interesting.  But most people want to make it simpler than it is."

— Ed Catmull

for Creatives  |  creative process, film, Ed Catmull, protect the art, ideas

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