fashion design

"Fashion is also an opportunity to get a message out about how you feel about the world."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  artist's message, Samantha Pleet, fashion design

"Of course, you can't really change the world with fashion, but you can have a real impact on people's lives, their self image, and their self-expression.  Someone's mood can be improved from a special piece that brings a smile."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  value the art, Samantha Pleet, fashion design, artist-audience relationship

"We did lose some shops who only want to carry American-made goods, but we really don't view the world like that.  We feel more like citizens of the world, and we're wary of nationalist leanings.  It has made our brand stronger, improving the quality, but also providing a huge well of inspiration; the colors, textiles, and techniques we've learned in India have expanded our vocabulary greatly."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, artist integrity, culture, artists must EXPERIENCE, creative freedom, never stop LEARNING, Samantha Pleet, fashion design, design

"I realized early on that you can really elevate your surroundings in the decisions you make concerning decor, clothing, etcetera.  Design is the key to all of that."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  Samantha Pleet, fashion design, design

"I'm constantly taking risks to move forward.  I believe that you have to go for what you want and figure the rest out later.  That's a good way of looking at the world: do what you feel is the best thing to move you forward, and don't let potential future pitfalls hold you back.  You can cross those bridges when you get there—everything will work itself out."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, creating isn't easy, artist integrity, the creative life, design your life, Samantha Pleet, fashion design, TAKE RISKS

"In college, I was into sculpture, I enjoyed sculpting the human body and understanding proportions.  You need to have a serious understanding of anatomy to be a fashion designer." (artist)

— Samantha Pleet (artwork by Scott Eaton)

for Creatives  |  sculpture, never stop LEARNING, digital art, Samantha Pleet, fashion design, Scott Eaton

"Whenever we do something to appease other people, it doesn't come across as genuine.  We want to make sure that we are constantly being ourselves, so we focus on developing our own work, and if mainstream outlets find us, then they have made a true discovery—we are not being pushed on them by a powerful PR firm."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, artist integrity, reaching your audience, Samantha Pleet, fashion design

"Even if you go to school and work a lot of internships, you can only really make your way through experience and the process of trial and error.  You have to come up with your own method of doing things if you want to do something truly unique."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  creative process, artist integrity, the successful artist, artists must EXPERIENCE, Samantha Pleet, fashion design, formal arts education

"As designers, we go into another world, into the unknown, so it's important to be experimental and think outside of the box.  We've continued to evolve, and photography has now become a huge part of what we do.  I love it because you can capture the world around you, finding and sharing magic in the everyday.  That's what we're about."

— Samantha Pleet

for Creatives  |  photography, magic/mystery of creating/art, reaching your audience, creative freedom, Samantha Pleet, fashion design, design

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