Jenna Rose Simon

"If your writing can't touch on the whole range of emotions from joy to despair—if you are somehow protecting yourself from feeling in order to buttress your sheltered ego, you are not writing.  You are not living, either." (artist)

— David Mason (art by Jenna Rose Simon)

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, creative fear, art, artists, writing, artists must EXPERIENCE, Jenna Rose Simon, David Mason

"There are two of you, one who wants to write and one who doesn't. The one who wants to write has to keep fooling the one who doesn't." (artist)

— María Irene Fornés (art by Jenna Rose Simon)

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, art, artists, writing, KEEP CREATING, María Irene Fornés, Jenna Rose Simon

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