Jon Contino

"Drawing was very therapeutic for me.  It has always been an outlet for me to stay away from the tougher parts of life."

— Jon Contino

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, value the art, Jon Contino, drawing/illustration

"When I drew, I lost myself in it and stopped thinking about everything else; it was like creating another world for myself, a world with the things I wanted to see and do.  Thank God I had that."

— Jon Contino

for Creatives  |  creating in the moment, the creative life, value the art, Jon Contino, drawing/illustration

"That's where drawing came in; creativity kept me from seeing the reality of how terrible things were." (artist)

— Jon Contino (artwork by Kevin Serad)

for Creatives  |  art, artists, creativity, value the art, Jon Contino, drawing/illustration, Kevin Serad

"If you're an artist and you're satisfied, then you're done being an artist.  There's more out there than you could ever imagine."

— Jon Contino

for Creatives  |  art, artists, creativity, KEEP CREATING, never stop LEARNING, Jon Contino

"People think it's a pipe dream to be an artist for a living, and proving them wrong has been the biggest motivation for me."

— Jon Contino

for Creatives  |  artists, the creative life, Jon Contino, TAKE RISKS

"I now have a better understanding of how to communicate my ideas, but I still struggle every single day.  As soon as I stop struggling, I'll be dead."

— Jon Contino

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, reaching your audience, ideas, the creative life, never stop LEARNING, design, Jon Contino

"The more personality I put into my work, the more people respond to it.  I've realized that I don't have to only do what I think others expect from me or what I expect to get paid for."

— Jon Contino

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, artist integrity, reaching your audience, design, Jon Contino

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