Lee Martin

"We write from our obsessions, and often they involve memories of incidents and people that we've never quite been able to resolve in any sort of satisfactory way.  These moments linger like the pea under the mattress that disturbed the princess's sleep, or the splinter under the skin that's sore when we touch it."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  artist in the art, writing, ideas, Lee Martin

"We can use strategies derived from what we know about narrative to give our non-narrative essays more resonance."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  writing, reaching your audience, essay, storytelling, Lee Martin

"The reporting of facts ... rarely contains the whole truth.  I say this because facts involve people and people are made up of contradictions.  The reporting of what happened rarely includes the more important question of what the story means to the people who stand at its center."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  characters, storytelling, Lee Martin

"As we read [essays], we participate in the writer's attempt to find what he or she didn't know when first coming to the page."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  nonfiction, writing, essay, writer-reader relationship, Lee Martin

"What narrative teaches us about characterization: we are all made up of contradictions, and, as a result, we are all somewhat unknowable.  We are capable of surprise precisely because of this fact."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  characters, literary fiction, Lee Martin

"A teacher of mine used to say that a good short story led to a moment of surprise, which he defined as more truth than we think we have a right to expect."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  short stories, writing, Lee Martin, story endings

"Often what brings us to the page is the fact that something is unsettled, something isn't all right.  We write from a need to know; we want to figure out what we think, what we feel, what something means."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  create for YOURSELF, writing, value the art, Lee Martin

"Sooner or later we have to face who we are in the world around us.  We have to respond.  Eventually, we have to speak from the truest parts of ourselves."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  artist integrity, creative fear, writing, Lee Martin

"Sometimes it's as simple as that.  Tell a story.  Tell it simply and directly.  Tell us what happened."

— Lee Martin

for Creatives  |  writing, storytelling, Lee Martin

"We should all feel as if we're in over our heads when we write; that's how we know we're writing about something that really matters." (artist)

— Lee Martin (art by "lightcolorsart")

for Creatives  |  creating isn't easy, art, artists, writing, value the art, Lee Martin, lightcolorsart

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