Lucienne Diver

"I'm inspired when I literally can't put a book down.  I'll leave the dishes in the sink.  I'll bore friends and family talking about people they don't know and situations they've never read.  In short, I'm pitching to everyone around me.  If a book connects with me to that extent, it will connect with others.  The biggest seller of books is still word of mouth, and the most successful books are those people can't stop talkinga about, agents included."

— Lucienne Diver

for Creatives  |  reading, novel writing, the successful artist, writing, reaching your audience, writer-reader relationship, agents, Lucienne Diver

"What sets the trends is always something new, not something being done."

— Lucienne Diver

for Creatives  |  writing, creative freedom, Lucienne Diver

"I don't think an author should try specifically to write a series (or a stand-alone) due to any idea of the market.  A concept either cries out to be written over the course of several books with a story arc big enough to support it—some threads that tie up satisfyingly in each book with others that demand more time and effort to resolve—or it doesn't.  Writing two books where one is called for or three where a duology would do only means there's a sagging middle somewhere."

— Lucienne Diver

for Creatives  |  novel writing, writing, reaching your audience, value the art, Lucienne Diver, series writing

"The most important thing is to tell your story the way it needs to be told without shortchanging the reader or keeping gratuitous bits that could be streamlined to keep the pace moving."

— Lucienne Diver

for Creatives  |  writing, writer-reader relationship, editing, rewriting, Lucienne Diver

"I don't think it's necessary to pin your work down to a subgenre.  You're querying agents who specialize in the field.  It might be best to let the pro make the determination as to where your work will best fit."

— Lucienne Diver

for Creatives  |  writing, agents, genre, Lucienne Diver, categorization of art

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