pantsing vs. plotting

"I don't think ... I have to show you, here, the relationship between archery and the writer's art.  I have already warned against thinking on targets."

— Ray Bradbury

for Creatives  |  pantsing vs. plotting, writing, Ray Bradbury, creative freedom

"My books are always a process of discovery.  I almost never have any idea what I'm doing until I'm actually doing it.  In fact, I think every time I've had a plan or an idea, it has been entirely sidelined by whatever I uncover while writing."

— Augusten Burroughs

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, creative process, pantsing vs. plotting, novel writing, creating in the moment, Augusten Burroughs

"Remember: Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations.  Plot is observed after the fact rather than before.  It cannot precede action.  It is the chart that remains when an action is through.  That is all Plot ever should be.  It is human desire let run, running, and reach a goal.  It cannot be mechanical.  It can only be dynamic."

— Ray Bradbury

for Creatives  |  characters, intuitive writing & pantsing, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, creating in the moment, Ray Bradbury

"We never want to force our story into our idea of how it should be structured. Our original impulse was valid. We can trust it and return to it over and over again, even as the story continues to be reshaped."

— Alan Watt

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, creating in the moment, Alan Watt

"I don't like formulas.  I don't like novels where I know the ending halfway through."

— Scott Turow

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, create for YOURSELF, pantsing vs. plotting, novel writing, writing, story endings, Scott Turow

"No one could say that [Stephen King's] work is short of storytelling, but he plots very little."

— Marcel Theroux

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, intuitive writing & pantsing, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, storytelling, Stephen King, Kelly Marcel

"This is why virtually all inexperienced writers end up in their heads instead of the unconscious: because the unconscious is scary as hell. It is hell for many of us."

— Robert Olen Butler

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, creating isn't easy, pantsing vs. plotting, creative fear, Robert Olen Butler, writing, writer's block

"There are broadly two ways to approach any piece of writing, in my opinion. One is where you have an idea of where the whole thing is heading ... The other is where you have a phrase, an image, maybe a single line that fascinates you and provokes you into elaborating it."

— Marcel Theroux

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, intuitive writing & pantsing, creative process, create for YOURSELF, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, ideas, Marcel Theroux

"In hesitation is thought.  In delay comes the effort for a style, instead of leaping upon truth which is the only style worth deadfalling or tiger-trapping."

— Ray Bradbury

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, pantsing vs. plotting, artist integrity, writing, artist's voice, Ray Bradbury

"The way you'll know that you're writing from your head [rather than from your intuition] is that you'll look at your story and find it full of abstraction and generalization and summary and analysis and interpretation."

— Robert Olen Butler

for Creatives  |  intuitive writing & pantsing, pantsing vs. plotting, Robert Olen Butler, writing

"We never want our idea of our story to get in the way of letting our characters live." (artist)

— Alan Watt (artwork by Andrew Ferez)

for Creatives  |  characters, pantsing vs. plotting, art, artists, writing, Andrew Ferez, Alan Watt

"Literature—language, fiction—does not as a medium force you to leave your ideas behind. And if you think it into being, if you will a story into being, by God, it's going to show."

— Robert Olen Butler

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, pantsing vs. plotting, Robert Olen Butler, writing, ideas

"Outlines help some writers organize their thoughts.  But outlines imprison others and keep them from thinking clearly."

— Don Fry

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, Don Fry

"Most writers will create an outline and start pounding out a draft.  But Klinkenborg does neither.  Outlines, he says, are not only a waste of time, but they also harm our writing.  How, he wonders, can we presume to know what we're going to write before we write it?"

— Jack Hamann

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, intuitive writing & pantsing, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, Verlyn Klinkenborg, creative freedom, Jack Hamann

"Listen to the story being told.  Come up with the idea, but let it play out naturally.  Try not to shape it word for word or be so married to an outline that you deny what could become something amazing."

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, intuitive writing & pantsing, creative process, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, creating in the moment, ideas

"I was a real outliner... the real price was, the writing was always boring, because I had already mapped out what I was going to say.  There was no energy left, and no excitement left in the prose itself."

— Verlyn Klinkenborg

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, create for YOURSELF, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, creating in the moment, Verlyn Klinkenborg

"I don't plot anything out.  I don't have an outline, for better or for worse.  I've tried, but I feel that kind of hems me in."

— Heidi Pitlor

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, intuitive writing & pantsing, pantsing vs. plotting, writing, creative freedom, Heidi Pitlor

"You're much closer to the dreaming side of your mind when you write.  Dream, dream, dream it through.  Write more with your body and less with your head.  Don't think a story through, don't think it out.  The danger of thinking it through is that most of us are not smart enough to do it that way.  We have to go one moment at a time."

— Andre Dubus III

for Creatives  |  structured writing & plotting/outlining, intuitive writing & pantsing, Andre Dubus III, pantsing vs. plotting, writing

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