take more risks on your dream

14th April 2017 | for Creatives | books, creating isn't easy, nonfiction, the creative life, Dana Tanamachi, TAKE RISKS, your passion vs. the day job, Jon Acuff  |       

take more risks on your dream

"I read a book called Quitter by Jon Acuff.  In it, he encourages people not to bail on their full-time jobs as soon as they feel like their dream is gaining some traction.  These were wise words that I needed to hear.  A full-time job provides stability so that you can take more risks on your dream.  In our culture, we're prone to demonize our day jobs and exalt our dream jobs, but we fail to see that the former can be a platform for the latter.  In his book, Acuff explains that the word no is the most valuable word you have as someone working toward your dream."

— Dana Tanamachi

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