The Joy of Writing

1st July 2016 | for Creatives | create for YOURSELF, writing, Ray Bradbury, the creative life  |       

"The joy of writing has propelled me from day to day and year to year."

— Ray Bradbury

Similar for Creatives

You Should Be Having Fun

"It's gotta be with a great sense of fun!  Writing is not a serious business.  It's a joy and a celebration.  You should be having fun at it.  Ignore the authors who say, 'oh, my god, what work.'  No, to hell with that!  ...If it's work, stop it, and do something else."

The Universe Rewards Courage

"The universe always rewards courage.  The more you move in the direction of what your gifts are, and what your life road is, the more people and events and experiences will conspire to give you what you need.  Write."

wasted a lot of years

"I wasted a lot of years writing short stories when I clearly should have been writing novels because that’s what I loved."

Put Writing First

"The problem is that we view writing as a luxury, something special to allow ourselves as soon as we've taken care of the countless nagging duties that seem to come first.  Once you put writing first, the rest of your life will fall into place."

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