There's more out there

22nd April 2017 | for Creatives | art, artists, creativity, KEEP CREATING, never stop LEARNING, Jon Contino  |       

"If you're an artist and you're satisfied, then you're done being an artist.  There's more out there than you could ever imagine."

— Jon Contino

Similar for Creatives

It is very self-centered

"Making music and being an artist in any way, really, stems from an essentially self-centered place.  Some people will say that they make music or art to give something to the world, to share it with people, because they think people need to hear it.  I think most of that is bullshit.  You create things because they come from a place that is purely you.  It is very self-centered, which is not a bad thing—it is just the nature of creativity." 

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