Entrada Publishing Reviews What Wonders Do You See... When You Dream?
"A literary journey perfect for any bedtime"
Thoughts | books, children's books, reviews, new releases, illustrated books
Continue ReadingMidwest Book Review Reviews What Wonders Do You See... When You Dream?
"An outstanding alternative to most sleep books."
Thoughts | books, children's books, reviews, new releases, illustrated books
Continue ReadingThe Wishing Shelf Reviews What Wonders Do You See... When You Dream?
"Perfect for a restless child at bedtime."
Thoughts | books, children's books, reviews, new releases, illustrated books
Continue ReadingWriting for Children
I've never been so excited about introducing a new book, of my creation, to the world. There's something really special about a children's book—or is it... magical?
Thoughts | artists, writing for children, children's books, painting, new releases, illustrated books
Continue ReadingRed Headed Book Lover Reviews The One Apart
"A riveting labyrinth exquisitely laid with perfect unpredictability..."
An Interview with Tres Himself
The main character of The One Apart is interviewed...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by the San Francisco Book Review
A bit about me and how The One Apart came to be...
Interviewed by Author Jamie Marchant
A bit about me, how I write, speculative fiction misconceptions, ogres, and The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Author Majanka Verstraete
My editing process, my 2017 writing goals, and The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Edgar's Books
My writing history, thoughts on book trailers, and what to expect from The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Kit 'N Kabookle
Fun facts, fighting dwarves, and the world of The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Judy Thomas
My writing space... with photos!
Thoughts | the creative life, interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Lisa Haselton
What I wanted to be when I grew up, my writing quirk, and The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Editor Charlene
My advice to aspiring writings and the choice of genre for The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Silver Dagger Book Tours
My beginnings, my self in 5 words, the elements of a good story, and The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by a Coffee-Addicted Writer
Storytelling, reading reviews, and the highlights of writing The One Apart...
Thoughts | interview, book tour
Continue ReadingInterviewed by The Book Junkie Reads
My writing process, inner demons, and The One Apart...
Thoughts | books, interview, book tour
Continue ReadingWhat I Enjoyed Most About Writing The One Apart
The blog tour kicks off!
Thoughts | books, intuitive writing & pantsing, writing, writer-reader relationship, book tour
Continue ReadingThe Grand Book Tour Begins!
The One Apart tours the blogosphere...
Thoughts | books, new releases, book tour
Continue ReadingThe New Novel Unveiled!
Introducing: The One Apart
Thoughts | books, sci-fi, new releases, cover reveal
Continue ReadingJust Released! Earth Inherited
a Short Tale of Planetary Plague & Astronomical Affliction
Thoughts | sci-fi, short stories, humor, new releases
Continue ReadingNew Findings on the Origin of Your Family Name
A four-year project reveals the origins of the 45,000 most common surnames of the English language...
Thoughts | British, language, Irish
Continue ReadingInterviewed by Stephanie M. Hopkins for Layered Pages and indieBRAG
The challenge of writing thrillers, what I love about storytelling, novel beginnings, and The End...
All the Untold Stories
R.I.P., ye stories never to be told, ye art never to be created...
Thoughts | creative process, magic/mystery of creating/art, art, writing, creating in the moment, KEEP CREATING, inspiration/the muse, artist's voice, storytelling, ideas, value the art
Continue ReadingThe Life—and Art—of Writing
The Director interviewed on my writing...
Thoughts | creating isn't easy, writing, KEEP CREATING, storytelling, the creative life, value the art, interview, The Director, indieBRAG
Continue ReadingIn Defense of Libraries
You hear of one library closing, then another. But I wasn't fazed. I didn't care. Not even when I admittedly love libraries...
Thoughts | reading, books, Neil Gaiman, Japanese, art, manga, protect the art, value the art, libraries, Hiro Arikawa, Sukumo Adabana
Continue ReadingCan You Speak English Better Than 90% of Native Speakers?
The ultimate test of your English language skills...
Thoughts | reading, language, poetry
Continue ReadingHow Wonderful It Is to Return to Reading
One week ago, something amazing happened. I read nearly an entire book in one afternoon...
Thoughts | reading, books, Kindle, Guy Fawkes Day, graphic novels, Alan Moore, Dean Koontz, David Lloyd, The Director
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