we are free of time and space

24th November 2016 | for Creatives | reading, magic/mystery of creating/art, Martin Boroson, storytelling, story beginnings  |       

"Perhaps what we really crave is not to have more time or to have time off but to feel free of time. We want to experience what life would be like outside of time. Many people turn to drugs or alcohol just to have this experience. But we also experience this in dreams, stories, and our imagination. In these realms, we are free of time and space. (The opening phrase of fairy tales—'once upon a time'—doesn't mean 'a long time ago' but 'in a world beyond time.')"

— Martin Boroson

Similar for Creatives

make a story out of it

"What felt magic can becomes either undone or overdone when you try to make a story out of it. Especially when you're a story-maker. Neil is. I am. We both are. I watch the story unfold. Sometimes I dictate the story to myself, then sometimes to the world. Sometimes I take dictation. Sometimes I get it wrong."

power of a story

"We become the stories we listen to, read, and tell. That is the power of a story."

ideas are not 'things' and can't be measured in units

"Time-based work doesn't make as much sense as it once did, as ideas are not 'things' and can't be measured in units. An idea, conceived in just a moment, can have enormous implications. Thus an 'idea person' has a more flexible approach to time. She learns how to develop the special, and often quite eccentric, circumstances that encourage creativity, and to trust inspiration when it appears—no matter what the time. "

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