you must write it

19th August 2016 | for Creatives | reading, create for YOURSELF, novel writing, writing, Toni Morrison  |       

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

— Toni Morrison

Similar for Creatives

it was easy to write

"Just becaue a novel is easy to read does not mean it was easy to write."

write a better book

"All I can do is write a better book and one that I'm proud of.  I can't meet everyone's expectations, but I can strive to meet my own."

Write What You Want

"The biggest for me [by self-publishing] is the freedom to write what I want when I want.  I can jump genres and write several novels a year. Traditional publishing is much too restrictive. I don't want to pump out the same book over and over. I want to challenge myself and produce the work that I feel is missing from the marketplace."

Read Something Else

"The reader is free to stop reading, to close the book, to not buy the book.  That reader's frustrations are entirely valid, and that reader should read something else.  I just put it out there, and it is what it is."

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