Poetry Is Language Distilled

7th July 2016 | for Creatives | language, writing, poetry, Rita Dove  |       

Poetry Is Language Distilled
— Rita Dove

Similar for Creatives

Language Is Fast

"Kenneth Koch talked about how language is so fast.  You can say, 'Hannibal crossed the Alps,' and it's done.  That's power."

We Have a Responsibility

"We know in our deep and private places that we have a responsibility to take on things that draw our attention and to turn them into these mysterious objects—poems and stories—that illuminate, that offer an objection to the status quo, that warn and empower."

The Rich Part of Your Writing

"When you're writing, you have to get really close to your subject and see the weird and unexpected 'colors' there.  Even a character who's supposed to be incredibly sexy should have flaws.  Even a tragic scene should have those weird moments of humor or joy.  Those little details are the rich part of your writing, and the only thing language should be doing is translating what you 'see' as cleanly as possible to readers."

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